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Party and Play
The Gay Hookup Site
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Meet Gay PNP Singles Today!

For Gay Singles who want to interact
with others that want to party and play.
We are The Best Online Gay Dating and Hookup Service.

Online Gay Dating Personals.
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Chat in the Gay Singles Party Chatroom
with Other gay Singles, FREE!

Why Are we the Best?
Because We DO NOT allow spammers or Money Scammers on this dating site
and are VERY Vigilant about that.

This Gay Dating Site is for Gay Singles that want to find, meet and date others that are Gay, Single and Want to Hookup. To provide a safe way of communicating and a safe place to meet without public interference. Looking for a Party Partner, someone to hang out with? Party and Play is the place.

For the privacy of our clients we Do Not allow profile browsing until you sign up.
We want to give our clients The Best possible experience with our Gay Dating Site. Sign up! It only takes a couple minutes.

Have you filled our your profile? Completed profiles with photos get browsed up to 15 times more often than those profiles that are incomplete, and have no photo.

Featured Profiles

looking for something
Gender - Age: Female - 35
General Info:
Just broke up with my dealer and moved here from
the west coast. Looking for a supplier and maybe
more :
Lets Make Poor Decisions Together
Gender - Age: Male - 48
General Info:
I work a bunch, but also need to let off some
steam, which I like doing best with my head in the
clouds, and some nicd men who are willing to let
me play with their bits and pieces.

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